Past Events...

Mother Goose Pantomime

12th December 2013
Middleton Cheney

On this Pack evening we took 12 Cubs and assorted Leaders/adults to the Lyndon Players production of Mother Goose at Middleton Village Hall.  ‘Oh yes we did’.......

It was nice that Clive Hopkins, our Group Scout Leader, and Ron Sangster, our Group Chairman, could both join us.

Not many Cubs have had the opportunity to see a traditional pantomime and were captivated with this production and found it thoroughly entertaining, joining in with all the “it’s behind you” bits, the boos for the baddy, the singing etc.

The Cubs also had their five minutes of fame when they were invited up on stage towards the end to join some of the cast in a version of the “Pizza Hut” song.  I think the Cubs knew the words and actions better than the cast!

This was a very enjoyable evening and got everyone into the Christmas spirit.  ‘Oh yes it did’.........

To see the photos, click here...
