Bag Packing- Sainsburys
7th September 2014
Sainsburys, Banbury
As you know, fundraising for the upkeep and running of our Headquarters, repair or replacement of constantly used equipment and our dream of an outside storage unit for the more bulky camping equipment, requires a never ending round of fundraising. To this end, a small Fundraising Committee has been set up with the purpose of trying to come up with new fundraising ideas and to support the Group in organising fundraising events.
Our first event is at Sainsbury’s in Banbury where we have been allocated a slot for the Scouts and older Cubs to Bag Pack and the Beavers and younger Cubs to stand in the entrance foyer with collecting buckets.
We are therefore looking for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and parents to give up 90 minutes of their time to help with this event.
Although there will be Leaders and Committee members to help supervise, we are also looking for parents to volunteer as well, as there needs to be an adult on each checkout where we are packing as well as adults supervising the entrance foyer.
If you and your son are able to help on one of the four available 90 minute slots, could you please complete the reply slip and e-mail it back to me no later than Sunday 31st August. If you are unable to do that, then you can hand it in to your son’s Section leader or ring me with your preferred slot.
All help would be very much appreciated.Nicky Bennett - 7th Banbury Fundraising Committee
Time slots:
10.00 to 11.30
11.30 to 13.00
13.00 to 14.30
14.30 to 16.00
Can be flexible
We will confirm all time slots and, if you have said that you are flexible with your time slot, which will help us if we are short on any of the slots, we will confirm your time to you.
To download the reply slip, please click here. Either send in with your child to be handed to their section leader, or email it to the Fundraising Comittee.
Deadline is Sunday 31st August.