31July | Sponsored Walk - Sunday 6th September: We will be once again running a sponsored walk, to raise funds for our group. It will follow Banbury Circular Walk, and all Beavers will attempt to walk 5 miles, Cubs 10 miles, and Scouts 15 miles. For more information, see the letter, and download the sponsorship form. |
31July | Fairport's Cropredy Convention 2015: Those who expressed an interest in helping were emailed 2 weeks ago, and from those replies 7th Banbury's team of helpers has been chosen. More information will be sent out in the first week of August to those helping, so keep an eye open for the email! More... |
07June | Family Camp: If you are planning on camping over for our family camp, we need you to let us know asap. Contact Clive our GSL by email. |
18Apr | St. Georges Day: This year 7th Banbury will again be holding our St. georges Day service at Broughton Church on Sunday 26th April. It is very important on this special day that all of the boys attend and are wearing full uniform. More... |
02Apr | Community Impact Badge: We have been given the opportunity to work on the St Mary's School garden, with the aim to improve this facility for the students attending the school. The project provides tasks suitable for all members of 7th Banbury Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. To earn the badge, the child must attend 4 hours across 6 Saturdays in 3 Months. More information is available from your section leaders. |
22Mar | Japan Easter Egg Hunt - Sunday 29th March: A reminder for those of you who are going along to The Great Easter Egg Hunt at Horley Campsite, or for those of you who would be interested in going. It is helping to raise funds for those going to the World Jamboree in Japan this summer, which includes our Assistant Scout Leader Jim Hopkins. More details can be found here... |
16Mar | Bag Packing - Saturday 14th March: A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped during the day on Saturday, we raised £501! |
26Feb | Bag Packing - Saturday 14th March: We will be bag packing again in March, and are looking for the help of any Scouts who would be willing to assist during the day. More info can be found here... |
26Jan | Quiz Night @ The Pinto Lounge - 25th February: Back by popular demand! Bring a team and come along to our second Group Fundraising Quiz Night, at The Pinto Lounge! It starts at 7:30pm on Wednesday 12th November, and costs £2.50 per person. Teams of 2 to 6 people. To reserve your place, contact Jon Poulton. |
14Dec | Bag Packing - Saturday 20th December: Due to factors outside our control, this fundraising event has now been cancelled. Thank you to everyone who offered their childs assistance, and listen out for further Bag Packing events next year. |
2Nov | Quiz Night @ The Pinto Lounge - 12th November: Not long now before our first Group Fundraising Quiz Night, at The Pinto Lounge! It starts at 7:30pm on Wednesday 12th November, and costs £2.50 per person. Teams of 2 to 6 people. If you haven't done so already, reserve your place by contacting Jon Poulton. |
9Oct | JOTA - Jamboree on the Air - 18th & 19th October: Our Group has been invited by Banbury Amateur Radio Society to use their clubhouse for a second year, to enable us to participate in this international scouting event. All sections will be participating, and will have the opportunity to talk to other Beavers, Cubs & Scouts across the world. More... |
28Sep | Group Party - 4th October: Our Annual Group Birthday Party will take place on Saturday, at BGN School Hall. We would hope that all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and their families will come along. More... |
28Sep | Quiz Night @ The Pinto Lounge - 12th November: Bring a team and come along to our first Group Fundraising Quiz Night, at The Pinto Lounge! It starts at 7:30pm on Wednesday 12th November, and costs £2.50 per person. Teams of 2 to 6 people. To reserve your place, contact Jon Poulton. |
8Sep | Town Trail & Treasure Hunt - 28th September: Join us for a fun social event to mark the 5th Anniversary of the official opening of our headquarters! The trail will take one and a half to two hours, and will involve answering straight forward questions, identifying random pictures, and finding hidden treasure, around Banbury town centre... More... |
28Aug | Bag Packing - 7th September: We will be fund-raising again this September by bag packing at Sainsburys. For this event we need Scouts and older Cubs to pack customer’s bags, and younger Cubs and Beavers to stand with collecting buckets in the entrance foyer. We also need help from parents... More... |
12Aug | Fairport's Cropredy Convention: A big THANK YOU to all the scouts, leaders and parents who helped out last week/weekend at Fairport's Cropredy Convention. We all had a great time, and raised some money for the group! More... |
4Aug | Fairport's Cropredy Convention: This week/weekend is Fairport's 2014 Cropredy Convention, and many of you have offered your assistance over the Thursday-Saturday period. Emails have been sent out to those offering to help with the final arrangements. If you have not received an email, and believe you should have, please get in touch. |
13July | Eileen Dean: Mrs Dean's funeral will take place on Monday 14th July at St. Paul's Church, Banbury, at 12:15pm. Refreshments will be available afterwards at our Headquarters. |
4July | Announcement: It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing on the afternoon of the 3rd July of our long time and much loved Cub Scout Leader, friend, and 7th Banbury Stalwart, Eileen Dean. More details of the funeral and arrangements to follow as soon as we know them. -Leaders & Executive Committee Members of 7th Banbury |
2July | Sponsored Walk: Thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday, the weather was perfect, and a brilliant time was had by all. Whether you completed the full 15 miles, or stopped at 10 or 5 miles, we want to say WELL DONE! If you didn't join us, there is always next year... Click below to see the photos... More... |
16June | Sponsored Walk: 7th Banbury, together with other Scout Groups in the District, are organising a Sponsored Walk on Sunday 29th June, to raise much needed funds for the upkeep of your son's Group Headquarters. We will be following Banbury Circular Walk, and we would like all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to try and complete 5, 10 and 15 miles respectively. Reply slips need to be handed in to your section leader no later than Thursday 19th June. More... |
16June | Family Camp: In order for us to finalise the arrangements for the Camp, we should be grateful if all parents would complete and return the reply slip sent home with your son to their son’s Section Leader by Thursday 23rd June. Please return the reply slip even if you cannot attend the camp. Also a reminder that all Adults camping must complete a CRB form which needs to be processed prior to the weekend.More... |
16June | Fairport's Cropredy Convention: Have you ever been to Fairport's Cropredy Convention? Are you going this year? Would you like to go for free? More... |
10Apr | Bag Packing this Saturday (12th): This Easter we are again fund-raising by bag packing at Marks & Spencer. For this event we need Scouts to pack customer’s bags, with the Cubs and with the help of their leaders. More... |
27Mar | Notice concerning Family Camp: We are holding our annual Family Camp over the weekend of 4th to 6th July at Horley Campsite. The Camp is a very enjoyable weekend when parents take part in activities with their sons and meet up socially with other parents. However this year all adults that are camping overnight need to complete a Scout Association CRB form. More... |
25Mar | Notice concerning St. Georges Day: Unfortunately, there will not be a St Georges Day Parade held in Banbury town centre this year. However, we as a group have arranged to hold our own St Georges Day service at Broughton Church. More... |
25Mar | Our Beaver section would like to invite you to their Charity Tea Party next week! It will be take place Monday 31st March: 6:15-7:15pm, and will raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care Charity! More... |
26Feb | Thank you to everyone who helped with the Bag Packing fundraiser last month, we raised over £470! Keep an eye open for more exciting funraising events coming in the next few months... |
16Dec | -NOTICE CONCERNING BAG PACKING- The bag packing on Saturday (21st) at Marks & Spencer has been CANCELLED. |
13Dec | Christmas Break: Beavers last night: 16th December Beavers return: 13th January Cubs last night: 19th December Cubs return: 9th January Scouts last night: 17th December Scouts return: 7th January |
13Dec | This Christmas we are again fundraising by bag packing at Marks & Spencer, and we need your help! More... |
5Dec | -NOTICE FOR ALL CUBS CONCERNING TONIGHT- The carol singing at Stanbridge has been CANCELLED. Cubs will be held at HQ this evening. |
21Oct | JOTA 2013: JOTA was a great success, with over 50 contacts with over 18 different countries! Photos from the event can be found here... |
5Oct | Happy 66th Birthday to us! A Thank You goes out to everyone who attended our group birthday party, and we hope you enjoyed all the activities and food! Photos from the evening can be found here... |